Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Hey Its a Syllabus!

           6 pm - 8 pm  
Tuesdays and Thursdays
Franklin Terrace room 109

Instructor- Joseph Ryan 

To explore the vast world of motion graphics by discussing such exciting subjects as........
The Principals of Animation
Setting up an AFX File Tracking Camera operations
Z space Masking Key Frames Compositions
Rendering and Codecs  Keying Alpha channel outputs
Particles Effects   and so much more...... As well as an overall understanding of the Kinetic Imaging Department and what it potentially has to offer you

Your goal should be to walk out of here with some work of your own and the glory of achieving animation enlightenment.

You shouldn't be absent! its a 5 week class so show up,(your absent if your not here before I shut the door or if you leave early). Note that communication is your best friend, if you are sick or have a family emergency or whatever misfortune happens upon you, you have to let me know before class via email, otherwise, my hands are tied. Under the highly unlikely event that you should miss more than one class it will result in a drop in your letter grade...more than three absences equals certain doom and the immediate destruction of your grade!

Your grade is based on the effort of your work as well as the progress of your knowledge on the discussed topics throughout these 5 weeks. There will be 1 major project. 

The instructional program at VCU is based upon the premise that students enrolled in a class are entitled to receive instruction free from interference by other students. Accordingly, in classrooms, laboratories, studies and other learning areas, students are expected to conduct themselves in an orderly and cooperative manner so that the faculty member can proceed with their [sic] customary instruction. Faculty members (including graduate teaching assistants) may set reasonable standards for classroom behavior in order to serve these objectives. If a student believes that the behavior of another student is disruptive, the instructor should be informed." Among other things, cell phones and beepers should be turned off while in the classroom. Also, the University Rules and Procedures prohibit anyone from having "in his possession any firearm, other weapon, or explosive, regardless of whether a license to possess the same has been issued, without the written authorization of the President of the university..." For more information, visit the VCU Insider online at

usually, class will go something like this...
We will start with watching select video and animation projects from industry professionals, look at it as a moment of inspiration to get your head going about your own work. Then we will have a tutorial where I will be showing you some technical tricks and maybe even get you started on learning a new program.... After that you will have some studio time to flex your creative muscles and apply newly learned abilities to your own work. 

Please let me know if you have any disabilities so that I may better acomadate your situation.

In an emergency, call campus security at 824-1234

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